Sunday 4 July 2010

Barry Jackson's closing remarks

Summary of the closing session

Barry is our Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director of Teaching and Learning. His drive launched the series of Learning and Teaching Conferences at Middlesex ten years ago to celebrate good practice in teaching and learning, and to support the demand for continuing change and adaption. He stresses that there is no one solution to the challenges of Higher Education! This is Barry’s last week at the university as he is retiring, so many of us listened to his closing remarks with a touch of sadness.

However, his summary focused on this really positive day, which embraced the styles and beliefs of many varying speakers and presenters on the positive and negative aspects of the digital world on academic literacy. Consistent within all the conflicting viewpoints was the need to constantly promote student engagement in the information explosion in ways which are creative, self-enhancing and promote thinking.

One of the strengths of the day was the use of interactive media and Barry enjoyed the twitter feed - placing himself in the Digital Immigrant community. This concept was one we played with throughout the day. Whilst we were encouraged to be cautious with the generality of the term ‘Digital Immigrant’ it did provide a useful stereotype to which many of the audience could immediately connect. Interestingly all the keynotes made us question our stereotypical views of students and in particular consider the diversity in the expertise of our students interacting with the continual proliferation of online environments.

Many short video clips had been recorded throughout the day and are available on this blog. Barry introduced a couple of short clips which along with the tweets showed the speed in which technology can provide immediate feedback on events. An interesting reflection of Barry’s is that this feedback will be received differently by those who attend and those that view the blog of the day but could not make the event.

Barry was thanked for his contribution to Learning and Teaching and given a small token of appreciation from his Learning and Teaching colleagues. We wish him a wonderful retirement which allows him to explore and enjoy his artistic and musical talents.

Judy Wilson
Learning and Teaching Strategy Leader,
EIS, Middlesex University

Professor Barry Jackson, Middlesex University

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic day. So much to think about. Well done Barry and good luck for the future.
